Saturday, April 26, 2014

My Student Amelia Passes Her Pre-Bronze Dance Test and Preliminary Moves Test! 4-26-14

I'm so proud of my student Amelia!  Today, 4-26-14, she passed her Swing Dance and Pre-Bronze Dance test and also her Preliminary Moves in the Field Test!  Go Amelia!

Thank you to my son, Joel, for skating with her through the test and thank you to her mom, Cheryl, for being so supportive and thank you to Donna Schoon and Karen Kight and Honnen Ice Arena and the Colorado College Skating Club for making the test session happen and also for being so supportive of Amelia's skating!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

CER 2014-15 Complete!

Jo Ann just completed CER for 2014-15...the new software PSA uses now makes it SO MUCH EASIER! It always feels so good to get that done each year and this year she's ahead of schedule...YAY!