Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Visit With Phil Corey and His Dad Arthur - 3-30-16

My friend Phil Corey and his dad, Art (who will be 97 years old on April 8, 2016), stopped by our house in Colorado Springs on their way from New Mexico to Fort Collins.

(Phil's 99 year old mother just passed away and they are going to Fort Collins to arrange the memorial service. Arthur told us that he and his wife were married for 76 years! Art is a retired hydraulic engineer and college professor.)

By the way, Phil edited the new edition of my book My Skating Life which is a free download on iBooks or only 99 cents on The new print version is "under construction" with Phil's wonderful editing. I'll let my FB friends know when it is ready.

I taught Phil's wife Nafise way back in the 1980s at The Ice Capades Chalet at Brea Mall in southern California!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Remembering's 101 E-Course

In 2016, discontinued all E-Courses. This is a record of what the Figure Skating E-Course covered. All the information readers leaned can still be found at will be discontinuing E-Courses in 2016.  

For the record, I've made a memory of what the Figure Skating E-Course covered.  

All the information my readers learned in's Figure Skating 101 E-Course can still be read at Figure Skating of course!  Happy Skating!